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Pennsylvania Votes
1824 47,073 John Q Adams 5,441 11.6 Andrew Jackson 35,736 75.9
1828 152,220 Andrew Jackson 101,457 66.7 John Q Adams 50,763 33.3
1832 157,679 Andrew Jackson 90,973 57.7 Henry Clay ---------
1836 178,701 Martin Van Buren 91,466 51.2 William Harrison 87,235 48.8
1840 287,695 William Harrison 144,023 50.1 Martin VaN Buren 143,672 49.9
1844 331,645 James Polk 167,311 50.4 Henry Clay 161,195 48.6
1848 369,092 Zachary Taylor 185,730 50.3 Lewis Cass 172,186 46.7
1852 387,920 Frankilin Pierce 198,568 51.2 Winfield Scott 179,182 46.2
1856 460,937 James Buchann 230,772 50.1 John Fremont 147,963 32.1
1860 476,442 Abraham Lincoln 268,030 56.3 Stephen Douglas 16,765 3.5
1864 573,735 Abraham Lincoln 296,292 51.6 George McClelan 277,443 48.4
1868 655,662 Ulysses Grant 342,280 52.2 Horatio Seymour 313,382 47.8
1872 561,629 Ulysses Grant 349,589 62.2 Horace Greeley 212,040 37.8
1876 758,973 Rutherford Hayes 384,157 50.6 Samuel Tilden 366,204 48.2
1880 874,783 James Garfield 444,704 50.8 Winfield Scott 407,428 46.6
1884 899,710 Grover Cleveland 394,772 43.9 James Blaine 472,792 52.5
1888 997,568 Benjamin Harrison 526,091 52.7 Grover Cleveland 446,633 44.8
1892 1,003,000 Grover Cleveland 452,264 45.1 Benjamin Harrison 516,011 51.4
1896 1,194,355 William McKinley 728,300 61 William Bryant 433,228 36.3
1900 1,173,210 William McKinley 712,665 60.7 William Bryant 424,232 36.2
1904 1,236,738 Theo. Roosevelt 840,949 68 Alton Parker 337,998 27.3
1908 1,267,450 William Taft 745,779 58.8 William Bryant 448,782 35.4
1912 1,217,736 Woodrow Wilson 395,637 32.5 Theo. Roosevelt 444,894 36.5
1916 1,297,189 Woodrow Wilson 521,784 40.2 Charles Hughes 703,823 54.3
1920 1,851,248 Warren Harding 1,218,215 65.8 James Cox 503,202 27.2
1924 2,144,850 Calvin Coolidge 1,401,481 65.3 John Davis 409,192 19.1
1928 3,150,612 Herbert Hoover 2,055,382 65.2 Alfred Smith 1,067,586 33.9
1932 3,150,612 Franklin Roosevelt 2,055,382 65.2 Herbert Hoover 1,067,586 33.9
1936 4,138,105 Franklin Roosevelt 2,353,788 56.9 Alfred Landon 1,690,300 40.8
1940 4,078,714 Franklin Roosevelt 2,171,035 53.2 Wendell Will 1,889,848 46.3
1944 3,794,793 Franklin Roosevelt 1,940,479 51.1 Thomas Dewey 1,835,054 48.4
1948 3,735,348 Harry Truman 1,752,426 46.9 Thomas Dewey 1,902,197 50.9
1952 4,580,969 Dwight Eisenhower 2,415,789 52.7 Adlai Stevenson 2,146,269 46.9
1956 4,576,503 Dwight Eisenhower 2,585,252 56.5 Adlai Stevenson 1,981,769 43.3
1960 5,006,541 John F Kennedy 2,556,282 51.1 Richard Nixon 2,439,956 48.7
1964 4,822,690 Lyndon Johnson 3,130,954 64.9 Barry Goldwater 1,673,657 34.7
1968 4,747,928 Richard Nixon 2,090,017 44 Hubert Humphrey 2,259,405 47.6
1972 4,592,106 Richard Nixon 2,714,521 59.1 George McGovern 1,796,951 39.1
1976 4,620,787 Jimmy Carter 2,328,677 50.4 Gerald Ford 2,205,604 47.7
1980 4,561,501 Ronald Reagan 2,261,872 49.6 Jimmy Carter 1,937,540 42.5
1984 4,844,903 Ronald Reagan 2,584,323 53.3 Walter Mondale 2,228,131 46
1988 4,536,251 George Bush 2,300,087 50.7 Michael Dukais 2,194,944 48.4
1992 4,959,810 Bill Clinton 2,239,164 45.1 George Bush 1,791,841 36.1
1996 4,429,891 William Clint 2,206,241 49.8 Bob Dole 1,793,568 40.49%
2000 4,913,119 George W Bush 2,281,127 46.4 Al Gore 720,342 47
2004 5,769,590 George W Bush 2,793,847 48.4 John Kerry 2,938,095 50.9
2008 5,995,137 Barack Obama 3,276,363 54.7% John McCain 2,655,885 44.3%

Marc Schulman