Daily life in the Sumerian Empire

The majority of Sumerians were farmers. Sumer had a highly organized agricultural system. People lived in the city and left worked in the fields outside the city during the day. The cities themselves were surronded by wall. They had strong defense towers. The wall in Uruk was six miles long and enclosed 1,000 acres. The peasants lived in simple huts, while the civic and priestly officials lived in more eleaborate homes. The most prominent landmark of a Sumerian city were the temples.
Members of the Sumerian society were either nobles, free client fo the nobility, commoners or slaves. The King and the nobility owned extensive tracts of land. Clients of the nobility worked the land of the nobility in exchange for small plots of land for themselves. Commoners were able to own there own land. Slaves in Sumeria were either prisoners of war, criminals or people who sold themselved into slavery for money.