Chronology of the Persian Empire

559 BC ...... Cyrus the Great Deposes Meid
546 BC ....... Cyrus Conquers Lydia
539 BC ...... Cyrus Conquers Babylonia
530-521 BC ....... Cambyses son of Cyrus conquers Egypt
521-486 BC .......Darius Extend Empire to Indus, but fail in Greece
490 BC ...... Persians Lose battle of Marathon
486-465 BC ....... Xerxes I (Ahashverus) defeated by Greeks
465-424 BC ....... Under Artaxerxex I Lingimanus, the greeks aid Egyptian revolt against Persia
424- 404 BC ...... Xerexes II assassinated by his brother Sogdianus who is then assasinated by his brother Cyrus II
404- 358 BC ...... Artazerex II Mnemon rules with insurrections in many parts of the empire
358- 338 BC ...... Artaxerxes III Ochus gains control of the Empire
336-330 BC ..... Daruis III is killed in battle agains Alexander the Great. The Persian Empire is conquered.