Overview of Early Indian Civilization

The Indian subcontinent has a rich and complex history that spans over several millennia. One of the earliest known civilizations in India was the Harappan civilization, which flourished around 2600 BCE. The Harappans built impressive cities with advanced urban planning, drainage systems, and public baths. They traded with other civilizations of the time and used a script that has yet to be fully deciphered.
Around 1500 BCE, the Aryans migrated to India from Central Asia and brought with them their own culture, language, and traditions. The Aryan period lasted for over a thousand years and saw the emergence of many social and religious practices that have shaped India's culture to this day. The caste system, which divided society into distinct classes based on occupation, arose during this period. Hinduism and Buddhism also emerged during this time and became the dominant religions of the region.
In 326 BCE, Alexander the Great briefly invaded India, but his conquests did not have a lasting impact on the region. From 326 BCE until 183 BCE, the Mauryan dynasty ruled India, and under their reign, India experienced a period of political stability and economic prosperity. The Mauryan emperor Ashoka embraced Buddhism and spread its teachings throughout the region.
After the collapse of the Mauryan dynasty, India fell into a period of disunity and political fragmentation. At about 100 BCE, the Kushan Kingdom emerged in Northern India and Afghanistan. The Kushans were a powerful and prosperous kingdom that traded with other civilizations along the Silk Road.
In 300 CE, the Gupta Dynasty replaced the Kushans as the rulers of Northern India. The Guptas established a golden age in Indian civilization, characterized by significant achievements in art, literature, science, and mathematics. During this period, the concept of zero was invented, and Indian mathematicians made significant contributions to the field of algebra.
However, the Gupta Dynasty declined in the late 5th century CE, and India once again descended into disunity. At the end of the 10th century CE, the Empire of Mahmud of Ghazni, founded by a former Turkish slave, extended its rule into Northern India. For the next four centuries, India was largely divided into independent feudal districts, with no single power able to unite the region under a single rule.