Constituition Convention Meets


The Constitutional Convention began on May 25th in Philadelphia. The need for a new constitution was clear throughout the colonies. The Articles of Confederation had not provided the means of governing the nation. The central government had no power to regulate commerce or enforce taxation. It did not have any executive powers. The Convention lasted until the 17th of September. .

Fifty-five delegates from twelve of the thirteen states of the Confederation, excluding Rhode Island, convened in Philadelphia for the Constitutional Convention. These delegates were among the most prominent figures of the colonies.

The assembly featured notable personalities such as Samuel Adams, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison, often regarded as the principal author of the Constitution. George Washington, another distinguished delegate, presided over the convention.

Of the representatives present, one third were veterans of the Revolutionary War, bringing firsthand experience in the struggle for independence. Thirty-four of the delegates were lawyers, indicative of their legal expertise and understanding of governance.

A common sentiment among these delegates was the need for a stronger central government in the United States, reflecting their collective experiences under the Articles of Confederation and their aspirations for the new nation. This group of individuals, with their diverse backgrounds and experiences, played a critical role in shaping the foundational document of the United States.