Lenin Dies

Munich Druing the Putch

Lenin suffered the first of three strokes in May 1922. He was partially paralized but recovered and returned to work. In December 1922 he suffered a second stroke and left him partialy paralysed. He suffered a third stroke in March of 1923 that left him totally paralysed and mute. On janaury 21 1924 he suffered a fourth and fatal stroke..

Vladamir Lenin died on January 21, 1924. By all accounts, he died of a stroke, the third stroke that he had had in a few months. His second stroke had left him unable to speak. He was 53 at the time of his death. While the cause of his death was known, why at a relatively young age, he suffered from repeated strokes has remained a mystery. At the time, commentators often attributed his condition to an assassination attempt on his life in 1918 that left a bullet lodged in his body. Still, contemporary doctors who have examined the case believe it's most likely from a genetic condition that caused a hardening of his arteries in the brain.

Lenin had died in Gorki. On January 23 his body was transported to Moscow by train. For three days, his body laid in state at the House of Columns in the House of Unions. On January 27, the body was brought to Red Square, where all of the leaders, except Trotsky, who was not in town, gave speeches. His body was then embalmed and placed in a mausoleum in Red Square, where it has remained until this day.
In the last months of his life, Lenin dictated a testament to be read after his death. He criticized various party leaders and warned explicitly of a future feud between Stalin and Trotsky. Lenin also called for the removal of Stalin as the General Secretary of the Party Central Committee. The testament presented the party leaders with a dilemma. All of them had been criticized by Lenin in the document; however, with Lenin's widow insisting that it be read, none was willing to go against Lenin's wishes. A solution was found by reading the document to separate delegations to the Communist Congress and not allowing them to take notes.