The President began his day with a Housing Refinance Roundtable. The roundtable included a number of homeowners who had recently refinanced at new low interest rates. The President spoke afterward encouraging the average Americans to refinace and benefit from the low rates while at the same time warning them to be wary of swindlers. Remarks
Next the President togetehr with Secretaries of Denfese Gates and Secretary of Veteran Affairs Shinseki announced that all medical records of soldiers would become electronic and those electronic records would then follow the veterans into the Veteran Affairs Administration with there discharge from the military. Remakrs
The President then had a private lunch with the Vice President.
In the afternoon the President received his daily briefings and had meetings with Secretary of State Clinton and Secretary of the Treasury Geithner..
In the evening the President and the First Lady hosted the first ever White House Seder marking the Jewish holiday of Passover.
The first Lady in the afternoon worked together with local school children on the White House vegetable garden.